The Cremation (Scotland) Regulations 2019 Updated Guidance

3rd October 2019 | Guidance Scotland

A letter has been released with guidance on The Cremation (Scotland) Regulations 2019:

“The Cremation (Scotland) Regulations 2019 came into force on 4 April 2019.  The Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016 and the 2019 Regulations allow for the electronic transfer of applications for cremation and Form E1 (if applicable).

Any questions about this circular can be addressed to the Burial and Cremation Team at the Scottish Government.  The information has been added to the updated version of the guidance which accompanies the 2019 Regulations and will be reissued shortly.”

You can view the letter here.

You can view the updated guidance here.


Facultatieve Technologies

Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.
