Funerals Market Investigation Order 2021 and Explanatory Note

16th April 2021 | News Reports Updates

The CMA has released the following announcement:

“We have published for formal consultation the draft Funerals Market Investigation Order 2021 and Explanatory Note. The draft Order and Explanatory Note cover those remedies that the CMA is introducing following the publication of its Final Report in December 2020. To assist respondents, we have also published a short document indicating the issues we are particularly interested in receiving views on, and some additional customer research.

Full details of the consultation and how to respond can be found on the CMA website. We would be grateful for written responses to the consultation by 5pm 17th May 2021.

In the interests of transparency, we intend to publish non-confidential versions of the responses to the consultation on the CMA’s website. We would be grateful, therefore, if you could you indicate by highlighting in yellow any information in your written response that you consider to be commercially sensitive and would not like us to publish. Where you have highlighted text in this way, please provide your reasoning as to how your business would be significantly harmed by the publica­tion of the particular information or how publication would be against the public interest. This will help us to give full consideration to your request. Further details of the CMA’s approach can be found in Transparency and Disclosure: Statement of the CMA’s Policy and Approach (CMA6).

If you have any immediate queries or anticipate any difficulties in meeting the above deadline, please do not hesitate to contact us.”

Facultatieve Technologies

Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.
